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The following content is for members of the Society.

Any information provided on these pages should remain as priviliged and not for public disclosure.


President: Don Bell 0418 726 301
Vice President: Chris Hillyard 0422 356 661
Secretary: Tony Scott 0418 780 362
Treasurer: Mike Ruska 0418 905 966
Committee: Fiona Fuller
  John Ruggles
  Kelvin Taylor
  Alan Robertson
Boiler Inspectors: Rhys Jones
  Garry Menzies
  Kelvin Taylor
Oilcan Editor: John Ruggles


For a list of member contact details  ‘Click Here’
For Auxilary Contact details  ‘Click Here’
Australian Association of Live Steamers Home Page  ‘Click Here’

Grounds and Buildings

It is recommended that you do NOT print these PDF documents. They may be updated and you could find yourself referring to outdated information.

For Evacuation Plan  ‘Click Here’

For Burn off Procedure  ‘Click Here’

For Roundhouse Occupancy Rules  ‘Click Here’

For Carriage Shed Occupancy Rules  ‘Click Here’


Rules and ByLaws


AALS Code of Practice (April 2023)  ‘Click Here’

Rules and ByLaws   ‘Click Here’

Rules of Entry   ‘Click Here’

New Member Application Form   ‘Click Here’


Playing Trains

Preliminary Brake Testing   ‘Click Here’

QSMEE Braking Policy   Click Here’

Guards Responsibilities    ‘Click Here’

Before Leaving the Depot   ‘Click Here’

Reporting a faulty carriage  ‘Click Here’

“Fit to Run” Check Sheet   ‘Click Here’

AALS Visitor   ‘Click Here’

Driver Licence Information  ‘Click Here’

Drivers “Non-Steam” training log book   ‘Click Here’

Drivers “Steam” training log book  ‘Click Here’